Buy Psilocybe tampanensis (Magic Truffles) Online. Psilocybe Tampanensis species was found in 1977 by Stephen Pollock and Gary Lincoff in Tampa, Florida. Hence the name Tampa-nensis. This magic truffle and mushroom producing species has not been found in this area again. Luckily for us Pollock cloned the found Tampanensis specimen and managed to made a pure culture from the P. Tampanensis. This culture is widely spread even today. The Magic truffles you will eat are the ‘decedents’ of the P. Tampanensis mushroom found in 1977.
Sclerotia or Magic Truffles are a composed mass of hardened mycelium, used for food storage. They look almost stone like and have the taste structure of a nut. Some sclerotia contain psilocybin and psilocin. Then you can call them Magic truffles.
The Tampanensis magic truffles are stored in a vacuum sealed package of 15 grams. This guarantees a fresh truffle even after a longer storage or shipping time.
A sclerotium is a living product. It might be possible that air (especially CO²) might be trapped in the package. This will make the sclerotia continue to grow and white “hairs” will appear on the outside of the truffles. This is the mycelium and shows the truffles are healthy. This is edible and doens’t affect the trip.
Keep Refrigerated between (2-8°C)